Tommaso Campanella
Fort de la constatation que l'Espagne a failli à ses devoirs de championne du catholicisme, Tommaso Campanella en vient à confier à la France la mission de libérer la péninsule italienne et d'instaurer une monarchie universelle. Prédicateur sans chaire usant d"une rhétorique enflammée, il exhorte inlassablement les destinataires idéaux ou réels de ses écrits à soutenir activement la politique menée par Louis XIII et le cardinal de Richelieu. Les quatre textes réunis dans ce volume : Dialogue politique entre un Vénitien, un Espagnol et un Français à propos des récents troubles de France (1632), Aphorismes politiques en faveur des nécessités présentes de la France (1635), Avertissements à la nation française (1635) et Discours politiques en faveur du siècle présent (1636), illustrent sa quête d'un bras armé séculier capable de réaliser la prophétie biblique d'une res publica chrétienne unie sous la houlette d'un seul berger.
50+ Classic collection. Political science
Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Thomas Pa
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 2 Février 2023
- 9786177943791
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.
Sun Tzu. The Art of War
Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching
Plato. The Republic
Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution
Marcus Aurelius. Meditations
Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince
Thomas More. Utopia
Tommaso Campanella. The City of the Sun
Francis Bacon. The New Atlantis
Thomas Paine. Common Sense
Richard Henry Lee. Lee Resolution
Thomas Jefferson. Declaration of Independence
James Madison.
- Virginia Plan
- Constitution of the United States
- Bill of Rights
- Northwest Ordinance
George Washington. President George Washington's First Inaugural Speech
Great Historical Documents of the United States:
- Federal Judiciary Act
- Marbury v. Madison
- Articles of Confederation
- Treaty of Alliance with France
- Treaty of Paris
John Stuart Mil. Utilitarianism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto
Vladimir Lenin:
- The State and Revolution
- The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
- Vladimir Lenin To the Citizens of Russia!
- Vladimir Lenin To Workers, Soldiers, and Peasants!
- Report on Peace
- Report on Land
- Decree on Abolishment of Capital Punishment
- Decree on Transfer of Power to the Soviets
- Decree on Establishment of the Workers' and Peasants' Government
- Decree on Elections for the Constituent Assembly
- Decree on Suppression of Hostile Newspapers
- Decree on Transfer of Food Control to Municipalities
- Decree on an Eight-Hour Working Day
- Decree on the Right to Issue Laws
- Resolution on the Right of Sovnarkom to Issue Decrees
- Decree on Social Insurance
- Declaration of the Rights of the People of Russia
- Decree on Organization of Volost Land Committees
- Decree on Transfer of Power and the Means of Production to the Toilers
- Decree Proclaiming Advertising a State Monopoly
- Decree Abolishing Classes and Civil Ranks
- Decree on Workers' Control
- Resolution on Relation of the Central Executive Committee to the Sovnarkom
- Decree on the Right to Call for Re-Elections
- Decree on Establishment of the Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution
- V. I. Lenin Note To F. E. Dzerzhinsky with a Draft of A Decree On Fighting Counter-Revolutionaries And Saboteurs
Rosa Luxemburg. Reform or Revolution
Peter Kropotkin. The Conquest of Bread
Emma Goldman. Anarchism: What It Really Stands For
Leon Trotsky. Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It -
Utopia. lassic collection. Philosophical and fiction works. From Plato to Bellamy
Plato, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Edward Bellamy, Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Evgeny Zamyatin
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 30 Novembre 2022
- 9786177943265
A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates the fictional literature. Dystopian fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from, apocalyptic fiction) offers the opposite: the portrayal of a setting that completely disagrees with the author's ethos.
This book contents:
The Republic by Plato
Utopia by Thomas More
The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella
The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
The Iron Heel by Jack London
We by Evgeny Zamyatin -
Utopia. lassic collection. Philosophical and fiction works. From Plato to Orwell
Plato, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Edward Bellamy, Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Evgeny Zamyatin, Géo
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 30 Novembre 2022
- 9786177943272
A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates the fictional literature. Dystopian fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from, apocalyptic fiction) offers the opposite: the portrayal of a setting that completely disagrees with the author's ethos.
This book contents:
The Republic by Plato
Utopia by Thomas More
The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella
The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
The Iron Heel by Jack London
We by Evgeny Zamyatin
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell -
A dialogue between a Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitallers and a Genoese Sea-captain, about the latter's voyage to a utopian city. (Summary by Rapunzelina)